9.15/23 - 10.15.23
From Rikki Lee Travolta, The Life and Times of Rikki Lee Travolta:
"The Citadel Theatre’s production of The Mousetrap is a faithful and well-executed adaptation of Christie’s timeless work. Scott Westerman’s direction is tight and suspenseful, and he keeps the audience guessing until the very end. Citadel Theatre has proven itself as a company that both pays reverence to the standards, but isn't afraid to introduce new concepts." Read More:
From Tristan Bruns, Newcity Stage:
"This “Mousetrap” locks you in with knife-wielding maniacs, blood-curdling screams, zippy dialogue and brain-tingling riddles. This use of technology gives the show a modern update without spoiling the specific style of the 1950s period. Get a clue and check out this charming production!" Read More:
From Jodie Jacobs, Chicago Theater and Arts:
"The video created by cinematographer Ian Merritt adds drama to the show as does a strange mirror and other special effects. Don’t misread Westerman’s farcical handling of “Mousetrap.” Christie and Westerman are “dead” serious about the plot." Read More:
From Colin Douglas, Chicago Theatre & Concert Reviews:
Scott Westerman has "guided a fresh, snappy version of this 1952 melodrama that feels like a brand new play. This production is strong, entertaining and a little cheeky. The superb design and sound building construction, along with some eye-popping contemporary technical support, makes this classic mystery as exciting as when it first hit the boards in London." Read More:
The Christians
NewCity Chicago - Highly Recommended
"...Under the direction of Scott Westerman, the play moves at a rapid pace without intermission, only dragging toward the end when the outcome is clear. Some shows will include post-show discussions, led by local spiritual leaders. This play asks questions that it doesn't answer, and the audience will have plenty to talk about, long after the screens flicker out."
Around The Town Chicago - Highly Recommended
Chicago Theater and Arts - Highly Recommended
Life and Times - Recommended
"...Under the skillful direction of Scott Westerman, Citadel Theatre's intimate performance space is transformed into a very believable megachurch facsimile.
Photo Credit: Eric Watkins
“The direction under Scott Westerman is so well done that even after a somewhat predictable first act, the audience has plenty to talk about during intermission, and again after the final bows. The simple set, designed by Sotirios Livaditis, allows the story to shine. A relatable, introspective work, S#X WITH STRANGERS is highly recommended.”
“Directed by Scott Westerman, this two person play is solidly done and in the intimate space of Citadel Theatre, maybe even more tense and intimate than the original Steppenwolf production(s) of 2009 and 2011.”
“Westerman’s fast-paced direction never allows the show to drag for even a minute, though he uses occasional silences to his advantage.”
1.28.15 - 4.26.15
“The Artistic Home’s ‘Macbeth’ is frighteningly real.”
“READER RECOMMENDED ...director Scott Westerman drills deep into the tragedy’s seductive ooze—here the eye of newt sees more clearly than the eye of man. Welcome to postapocalyptic Macbeth, where freshwater is the ultimate bounty and polluted bogs mirror the larger pollution of the state. You listen before you look in this savage swamp world, which echoes of scraping knives and hushed cymbals.”
“Westerman’s ambitious undertaking lacks the majesty that I associate with Macbeth. This show is much more a sci-fi action thriller than a timeless classic about the evil corrosion of humanity from greed. The tone is seedy from the get-go.”
“The Artistic Home certainly succeeds in its inventive creepiness, particularly with the ever-manipulative weird sisters who crawl and writhe out of the most unexpected places.”
“This may be the best modern adaptation of Shakespeare I’ve ever seen. Most adaptations that update the period but keep the text strain for kind of relevance. This director’s insight into aspects of nature that are woven into Macbeth and how they relate to current climate change and water scarcity is brilliant. Given that it’s all staged in the tiniest of spaces it’s a pretty darn good result. I couldn’t help but imagine where a little more space and technical budget could have taken this show.”
photos by Tim Knight
World Premiere
by Scott Woldman
2.8.16 - 3.20.16
“Director Scott Westerman keeps the drama tight and the humor edgy. INTERROGATION will keep you guessing until the end.”
“The adventure that unfolds is an engrossing one, deftly played out with tight direction by Scott Westerman.”
“Juggling the different narratives and speculation of motivation, Woldman and director Scott Westerman never let a moment linger too long lest we forget that this is only one version of the story.”
photos by Tim Knight